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We’re delighted that you’re thinking of getting married in our church! It would be an honour to support you and your partner’s desire to begin your new life together, grounded by Spirit and in the presence of family and friends. We are a community that embraces love in all its diversity. Love is love is love. Broad View United is pleased to celebrate marriages of:

  • All Sexual Orientations
  • All Gender Identities
  • Previously Divorced People
  • Couples of Different Religions



What do I need to do if I’m interested in holding my marriage service at Broad View United?
1) Arrange to meet with the minister of your choice at least a month before the date of your wedding. This can happen on-line or in person. If you’d like to attend a marriage preparation course, our ministers can guide you in that regards, but it’s not strictly necessary.

2) Obtain a marriage license. In Victoria, you may get a license at any London Drugs Customer Service Counter in the capital district or the BC Vital Statistics Agency. This license must be in the hands of the minister at least one week before the wedding service. The license is good for three months and we suggest that you obtain the license early. One less thing to think about!

What does a wedding ceremony look like at Broad View United?
When you meet with the minister you will be able to plan the wedding ceremony together. Our ministers are open to your suggestions and appreciate that this is a very special day in your life as a couple. We want this ceremony to reflect your love and your relationship as much as you do!

As church weddings are religious services, you can expect to have an order of service to have a spiritual component to it with religious language that resonates with you as a couple. Rest assured that all legal requirements in the province of BC are met in this service of marriage. If you are not Christian and would prefer a service that is more multi-faith in its approach, we happy to accommodate this request.

Can I have my friends sing or play special music or officiate at our wedding?
The minister will happily work with your regarding music choices and options to make your wedding meaningful for you both.

It is the policy of Broad View United for the incumbent ministers of this congregation to perform the service. From time to time we may share with a minister of another denomination. Please consult with the minister performing your service.

Is a wedding rehearsal always necessary?
Rehearsals are important for lowering everyone’s anxiety. If the wedding is a formal one, the wedding party should expect to spend 30-45 minutes at the rehearsal. If the wedding you are planning is a small, intimate one, then the minister will advise you about the kind of rehearsal you need, if any.  Arrangements are made with the minister regarding the date and time of the rehearsal.

Cedar Hill X Site – 3703 St. Aidan’s St., Victoria

Cedar Hill X Site, opening in November 2023, is now under renovation. For post-opening wedding inquiries, please email: Note: The descriptions below detail the site pre-renovation. For updates on the renovated space, reach out to our office.

How many persons can the church hold?
What’s the parking like at BVU Cedar Hill X?
Can I have our wedding reception in the church hall?

1) The Cedar Hill X Site sanctuary is well known as a fine old church style space weddings. It seats up to 400, is bright and welcoming, and has excellent acoustics. The Yamaha Concert Grand piano is available for use. Use of the pipe organ requires consultation with BVU Cedar Hill X Site’s Music Director. 

2) Our Cedar Hill X Site has a dedicated parking lot, plus there is plenty of street parking and a small lot across the street on Palo Alto which can be used for overflow. 

3) This linoleum-tiled room is suitable for large gatherings, and can accommodate up to 150 people. Chairsand tables are available to be used in any configuration.

Is it possible to have our wedding on a beach or in a park?
Off site weddings have been popular with many and it is possible depending on their location and our minister’s availability. Let our minister know what you’re considering as soon as possible.
Can we throw confetti or rice at the bride and groom after the service, as they leave the church?

No. The clean-up is too difficult. Instead, we suggest bubbles – fun for everyone and environmentally responsible too!

Contact a Minister