Click below for more info!
Date: Every Tuesdays starting Sept. 12
Time: 10:00am via Zoom
Facilitator: Blake Ford and Gordon RobinsonREGISTER
Our zoom time begins with a half hour talk about Christianity usually given by professors of religious studies. We have just finished a series on science and Christianity and are currently listening to talks that compare Christianity to other religions. There is no charge or obligation, and you can contact Gordon at to receive an email with the zoom link should you wish to join or try out the group.
Date: 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month
Time: 1:30 pm
Location: Cedar Room
Facilitator: Janis EvansREGISTER
This group meets twice a month in the Cedar Room to talk about a book chosen by the group as a whole. Discussion is wide and varied and all perspectives are welcome. Contact Janis – for more information.
Date: Fourth Saturday of each month (beginning Saturday February 24, 2024)
Time: 7 pm
Location: BVU Sanctuary
Facilitator: Mark GreenJoin us each month for an exploration of our theme through a variety of award- winning movies. Some are funny, some are well known, some are emotional but all of them cause us to think and engage our faith through the magic of cinema. Each month the movie title will be published in the newsletter and you are invited to join us. Popcorns, snacks and beverages provided. Discussion to follow. No need to register… just show up. 😊
Contact: Marie McKee
The First Met UCW is an open and welcoming group of women who meet monthly. They would love to welcome new members to join them as a part of the amalgamation process. Their time together includes conversation, study and a short devotion. Historically, there have been two groups who are in the midst of joining into one as they go forward. Date and time of meeting is still being discerned. Contact Marie at for more information.
They also host special events throughout the year. October 3 is the date for The Least Coin, a service with an international tradition and perspective. In the Spring, the annual “Ecumenical Service for the Day of Prayer” will also be hosted. All women of the congregation are invited to these special events, and you do not need to be a member to ongoing group to participate. Watch the newsletter for more information.
Date: Thursdays, Oct. 2 – Nov. 2, 2023 via Zoom Introductory Level
Thursdays, TBA Spring 2024 Phase 3: Deeping The Sage Within
Time: 10 am – 12 noon
Leadership: Annie KleinREGISTER
BVU is pleased to offer both the Introductory and phase three of the course “From Age-ing to Sage-ing”, facilitated by Annie Klein. Come and find a new way of growing older, aging well and living your life more consciously, more joyfully and more compassionately! The introductory level is a prerequisite for participating in the next levels, but they do not need to be taken sequentially Annie Klein has been trained in Age-ing to Sage-ing International and has been offering these courses in Victoria for several years.
For those who have taken the introductory phase or any of the other phases at a previous time, phase 3 will focus on relationships. If you are interested in either phase or both, please indicate your interest by registering online.
Date: Tuesday evenings Feb. 13 – Mar. 12, 2024 (5 weeks)
Time: 7 pm-9 pm
Leadership: Mark GreenREGISTER
Join with others who are on a path to explore some of the big questions of Faith and find not answers but perhaps perspectives that shed light on the questions being asked. Bring your questions and as a group we will prioritize what feels most pressing to those attending. Questions like: Why does God allow suffering? Does God have a purpose or plan for our lives? Is there life after death? Does God allow evil to exist or is it beyond God’s control? What is the nature of God? Through readings, film clips and discussion we will probe some of the mysteries of life to make peace with them.
Date: Thursdays afternoon, Mar. 7 – Mar. 28, 2024 (4 weeks)
Time: 1 pm – 3 pm
Leadership: Margaret Harper and GuestsREGISTER
Join us for four weeks of exploring topics related to Death and Dying. Topics to Include: Medical Assistance in Dying, What happens after death, Spiritual and Religious Rituals to support the Dying and their loved ones. What does it mean to live fully until I die? How to have honest and open questions as we approach death? Creating a Spiritual Legacy and Ethical Will. Sessions will include leader inputs and lots of room for conversation. If you have questions or a specific topic you would like to explore, please reach out to Margaret at
Rekindling the Fire of Early Christian Communities
Date: Spring 2024REGISTER
Esteemed author and lecture, Dr. Jeff Crittenden will join us to introduce us to concepts in his new book Leisure Resurrected, an exploration of leisure from Plato through to the Roman Empire. Ever wonder- where did the time go? Or pause and look at your calendar and wonder how crammed it became with activity? Or sat in worship knowing that there is something unique about participating in a worship leisure experience? Leisure Resurrected moves from theory to practical engagement as Jeff demonstrates how an ancient experience is not only vital for our current context, leisure provides meaning, purpose and hope.
Jeff Crittenden, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Huron University, London, ON; CPT’s (The Centre for Practical Theology, Canada) Founding Director; Lead Minister at Metropolitan United Church (London, ON)
Time: Beginning with the season of Lent, the Celebration of Baptism and Profession of Faith will follow after Easter
Leadership: Ha Na ParkWe invite you to this interactive and group-work-based 6-week long baptism and membership course, meeting six times in the spring. Like well-equipped hikers, we will use Marcus Borg’s book, The Heart of Christianity: How We Can be Passionate Believers Today, as our map, and our heart as the compass to find God. Each session will last about 2 hours and will cover the following topics.
Session 1: Beloved and Belong (The Heart of the Matter)
Session 2: Living Scripture
Session 3: Jesus and the Kin-dom of God
Session 4: Social Justice, Prayer, and Spiritual Practice
Session 5: The (un)Official United Church Guide
Session 6: The Journey of Becoming