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Date: Sundays
Time: 9:30 am & 11 am
Leadership: Pat McKay, Micia Kanstrup, Emily AndersonREGISTER
Welcome to another fun filled year of faith exploration through our children and youth program (ages pre-K to Grade 8) that is offered during each Sunday service. After the children’s conversation during the first part of our worship the children move to their own space to explore the sacred stories and the teachings of Jesus. The children are divided up into smaller groups by age and we use art, activity, and games to link our faith to finding our way through everyday life.
Families and caregivers with children under the age of 5 are invited to join us downstairs in The Hub for a free drop-in playgroup, to play, explore, socialize, learn, laugh and develop. Our time together includes free play time, short circle time and a snack time (food provided). Coffee and tea are available throughout. Leadership is shared with BVU in partnership with Saanich Neighbourhood Place (SNP). Monday includes sing and play – a time of songs, rhymes and stories. All are welcome – pass the word to your friends and neighbours with little ones!
Winter Session: Thursdays January 25th – March 7th
Time: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Leadership: Cheryl DennettREGISTER
Elementary school aged children 5-10yrs are invited to participate in our Kids’ Community Choir. This is a free choir for children to come as they are and to experience a musical space where we will have fun, sing, move, and play. Music time will be 60 minutes with a 15 minute snacktime from 3:15p-3:30pm. There will be opportunities for the choir to share their music with the greater Broad View United faith community during Sunday worship services. Spring session will begin in April.
Cheryl Dennett, our resident drummer, is a specialist in leading children of all ages. Check out Cheryl’s website for more information about her experience and approach to music education.