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Healing Ministry

What do we mean by healing?

Healing is a term that indicates the process of restoring harmony and wholeness to body, mind and spirit.

What is the Healing Pathway Ministry?

The Mission of the Healing Pathway Ministry within the United Church of Canada is:

  • To renew the Church’s role in healing
  • To reach out to those in need of healing in body, mind and/or sprit
  • To encourage its practitioners in their persona, Spirit-centered healing journey

Healing Sessions

Both distance healing (when recipient not physically present to the healer) and “in-person” healing sessions are offered by the practitioners. Both are equally powerful because the essential transmission of healing energy happens through intention and meditation.

 How do I book a session?

To request a healing session please fill out the form by clicking here. In-person sessions are offered Monday evenings at 7pm with the exception of the 2nd Monday of the month when a session is offered at 1pm. Distance healing is offered at a time that fits for both healer and recipient.

If you are interested in learning the techniques for offering healing there are courses offered which will be posted when they become available. Practice sessions for those who have taken courses are held on Saturdays at 9am, usually the last Saturday of the month.

Questions? Please contact Eileen Campbell