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Shelagh MacKinnon

Shelagh MacKinnon

Shelagh is glad to be a part of the team at Broad View United. Since the summer of 2018, Victoria has been home. Those 5 years of ministry at First-Metropolitan United Church marked an important and historic chapter in the life of that congregation. Before that, Shelagh served at the Little Red Church on Bowen Island, in Howe Sound. For seventeen years, Shelagh was also the Spiritual Director at Orchard Recovery. Her deep engagement and caring for the families and issues of the current crisis of overdose deaths is one of the things she brings to BVU. 

She grew up in beautiful Ottawa, graduated from Trent University in Peterborough, Ontario and Queens University at Kingston.  She is married to the Rev Cheryl Black, and they are grateful Grammies and gardeners! 

Her current role of as Pastoral Care and Transition Minister for the best integration of the First Met congregation in our beautiful new location.