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Rev. Margaret Harper

Rev. Margaret Harper

Margaret’s ministry journey has been rich and varied. She has served small prairie parishes in Saskatchewan, as well as urban congregations; Walked alongside the poor and vulnerable in downtown Toronto; Worked as a hospital and long-term care chaplain and accompanied the dying and their families at Victoria Hospice.

Margaret has a passion for being with people as they find meaning and purpose in the many transitional moments of life: The joy, the sorrow, the questions, the longings, the predictable and the surprises that come out of the blue.

As we meet each other on the road of life, we have the opportunity to discover a resilience and strength that somehow sustain us beyond our wildest imaginings. Ultimately, this discovery is ‘the sacred’  –a place of Joy and Hope.

Victoria has been home for this prairie chick for the last twenty years. Her canine companion, Ruby Toosday brings her delight, and makes her laugh out loud every day!