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Covid Update

Covid Protocols for worship and groups at Broad View United  beginning March 14th, 2022

  • In person attendance at either the 9:30am Bridge service or the 11:00 am ConXion service will be allowed for anyone who is double vaccinated and has either the BVU pass card or is able to show proof at the door. Booster vaccination is encouraged for all those eligible.
  • Online streaming of worship is now a permanent addition to what we offer and will continue to be a option for those not yet comfortable to meet in person, who are away or travelling or who decide it is their preferred way of worshiping with us. In addition, the recorded version of the Sunday worship services will be available within an hour of the live stream ending.  These can be accessed on our website.
  • Our Sunday morning children’s program will resume butwith children first attending worship, and then continuing to their program in the Hall where their program leaders will be ready to welcome them. Children ages 5-12 must have at least their first vaccine to participate
  • Youth and young adult groups will resume but participants must all be double vaccinated
  • All small group/study groups can resume in person are double vaccinated. Each group will make its own decision about comfort levels within the group itself.
  • Parents and Tots drop-in will resume for all those adults who are double vaccinated.
  • Choirs will continue to discern what they are comfortable with and members will be notified by their director as to shifts in status from online participation as comfort grows.
  • Monthly Community Meal will resume in March.
  • Most meetings will continue to happen online unless meeting in person will allow for greater decision making

For all in persons gatherings, you will be required tobe double vaxxed, practice appropriate distancing and not attend if you have any symptoms of COVID or have been exposed to a person with a confirmed case of COVID in the last 5 days. Hand washing/sanitizing  is encourage on a regular basis.  No beverages will be served or consumed during worship at this time.  Proof of vaccination will be required.  Two air purifiers will continue to run in the sanctuary space 24/7 as well as fresh air let in through windows